5 Things Most People Still Don’t Understand About Star Wars

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJvdfCfkCCo Over the past four decades, there have been so many Star Wars movies, comics, games, and TV shows that it’s almost impossible to keep track of them all. And that might explain why there are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings about the Star Wars universe. Because no matter how much you think you know, […]

The Complete History of Chocolate (1900 BCE – 2017)

Learn all about the complete history of chocolate, from its origins in Mesoamerica in 1900 BCE up until today. Also, if you’re a hardcore chocolate lover just like we are here at Geeks are Sexy, I can’t begin to recommend “Les Chocolats de Chloé” strongly enough! If you can’t imagine life without chocolate, you’re lucky […]

The Rise and Fall of Saturday Morning Cartoons: A Valuable Lesson

Saturday morning cartoons

For those of us who went through childhood in the eighties and nineties, Saturday morning cartoons were a part of what defined us as adults today. These two decades were completely different when it came to how we consumed content, especially when compared to how kids watch cartoons these days with the Internet and on […]