DEAL: Get The Hobbit Audiobook for Just $3.95

Haven’t read The Hobbit yet? Want to hear someone narrate it instead of reading it yourself? Get the Audiobook version of the book for just $3.95 on Amazon! In this fantasy classic, master storyteller J.R.R. Tolkein creates a bewitching world filled with delightful creatures and thrilling dangers. Narrator Rob Inglis will hold listeners of all […]

Deadpool Stars On Good Housekeeping Cover

Deadpool is the extremely unlikely cover star of a special Thanksgiving edition of Good Housekeeping magazine. He’s also written a special letter to readers. The issue isn’t the usual newsstand edition, but rather a special promotional version that’s being handed out on city streets. It’s a promotional tie-in for the upcoming movie, with the emphasis […]

AMAZING DEAL: Get Futuristic Masterpiece “The Forever War” For Just $1.99 Today!

“The Forever War” is a book that many thinks is one of the best Sci-Fi novels of all time. The novel won both the Hugo and Nebual awards, and for those who’ve never read it, it can be yours today (Kindle edition) for just $1.99. In this novel, a landmark of science fiction that began […]

How Many Verb Tenses Are There in English?

Nope, not just past, present and future. There are 12 in total, thanks to grammatical aspect. How many different verb tenses are there in a language like English? At first, the answer seems obvious — there’s past, present, and future. But it isn’t quite that simple. Anna Ananichuk explains how thanks to something called grammatical […]

It’s Harry Pottery With New Dinner Set

Potter fans will never mix up their dinnerware again — as long as they each have a favorite house. This 16-piece collection from Think Geek features a dinner plate, salad plate, bowl and cup with house illustrations and even text from the Sorting Hat’s introduction. As you’d expect, there’s one set each for Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, […]