Toto’s “Africa” Will Play For All Eternity in The Middle of the Namib Desert

Artist Max Siedentopf installed what he calls “Toto Forever” in the middle of the Namib Desert, an installation that, thanks to solar power, could play Toto’s Africa for all eternity. From Max Siedentopf and BBC News: “[I] wanted to pay the song the ultimate homage and physically exhibit ‘Africa’ in Africa,” explains the 27-year-old artist. […]

Must Read Post-Apocalyptic Thriller (And Now a Netflix Movie) – Bird Box: A Novel

Imagine a world where when people go outside, they’re somehow driven to deadly violence (to themselves or others) as soon as they get a glimpse of something that no one has ever seen and lived to tell about it. This is the premise of Bird Box. Now a Netflix film starring Sandra Bullock, Sarah Paulson, […]

10 Creepiest Abandoned Amusement Parks In this video from the folks over at AllTime10s, we take a look at 10 of the scariest abandoned amusement parks in the world. There’s nothing scarier than an abandoned theme park, and these 10 are set to give you nightmares. From a deserted theme park on the edge of a notorious suicide forest, […]

Squad Leader TD-73028 Soliloquy: When Star Wars Meet Shakespeare [Short Film]

If you know Hamlet’s famous soliloquy, you’ll know the outcome of this short fan film by director Maxime-Claude L’Écuyer right away. This fan film is an interesting one; it takes a very different (and very grim) approach to what we usually see in Star Wars fan films. To be or not to be: Star Wars […]