Electronic Nose May Replace Police Dogs

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] The days of the police dog’s career may be numbered. Scientists are working on a new breed of electronic noses that could replace the canine cadets, CNN reports. The high-tech sniffers would be able to find even the smallest amounts of explosive substances in places like airports and could […]

Pensieve: The Human Memory Assistant

By JR Raphael Contributing Writer, [GAS] Your own human memory could soon have a digital backup. IBM is working on new software that collects pieces of information during your day, then uses them to help you remember things later. The project sounds like something that could have come straight from Dumbledore’s quarters — and not […]

Millennium Falcon Cake would make any geek cry for joy

Edit: Please note that we’ve been asked to remove the pictures from the page by the owner of said pictures. These pictures have been widely distributed through the blogosphere, and no harm was intented by posting them here. On the contrary, we wanted to promote the company that made the product since their culinary artwork […]

Theo Jansen – The Kinetic Sculptor

Each time I see Theo Jansen‘s Kinetic sculptures, I feel like a little boy all over again, experiencing something new and wonderful for the first time. Essentially, his art could be defined as the perfect fusion between nature and technology, but putting words on such masterpieces can’t really make you understand how powerful his creations […]

Google Must Divulge Video Viewing Habits Of Every YouTube User, Says US Court

This is potentially huge. Viacom, which owns MTV and Paramount Pictures, has been involved in a legal battle with YouTube (and now Google) over what Viacom alleges is massive copyright infringement of their property. Viacom claims to have identified 160,000 unauthorised clips of its programmes. Now, a US court has told Google that it must […]