By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] IKEA, the company that can fit almost anything into a flat box for easy pick-up, has decided to go green in a big way. They plan to put $77 million into their GreenTech fund – dedicated to producing “solar panels, efficiency meters, and energy efficient lighting.” While IKEA has […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] No, the proceedings aren’t unstable…but this model of the Olympic Village is! Watch the video for the whole story: Having built a few card castles myself, I can tell you that the beginning is the hardest part – the subsequent layers are pretty easy after that. The added complexity […]
A political row is erupting in Scotland after it emerged that 8,300 Scottish schoolchildren are to be biometrically fingerprinted at a cost of 20,000 pounds ($37,300) per school per year. As well as the staggering cost, angry parents are also voicing their opposition to the Big Brother privacy intrusions into their children’s lives.
It’s all part of a pilot scheme which is being tested at eight secondary schools (high schools) at East Dunbartonshire. Supporters of the scheme are citing the advantages of the fingerprinting database including class attendance monitoring, better monitoring of library book borrowing and the buying of school meals (and the end of stigma for those who receive free meals).
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It’s hard to imagine that Barack Obama got sucked into something like this, but clearly even he isn’t immune to the ravages of the internet. If you were going to vote for him, I’m sorry but all hope is now lost. Just watch, spoilers after the jump:
By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] The ability to become invisible figures as a theme in the magic and mythology of many cultures over the centuries. At least since H.G. Wells’ The Invisible Man, science fiction fans have wondered whether it might be possible to achieve invisibility through the application of science. It appears (har) that this little […]
We all have to admit it, this year’s Olympic opening ceremony was of epic proportions… but there was only one thing that wasn’t so epic. Right at the moment when Chinese gymnast Li Ning was flying to light up the giant Olympic torch, someone took this picture. And if you think that this was Photoshopped, […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] Does it mean athletic competition, international relations, or human rights issues? What is this mysterious numeric sequence? Well, if you’re a Twitter user, it’s a special tag that lets you join in on a unique global campaign. Today Twitter recognized the #080808 movement that has suddenly popped up all […]
Built in 1998 by sculptor Michael Condron, and inspired by War of the Worlds, this sculpture is located in Woking, England and looks like a nightmarish tripod from the movie. The 23-foot tall beast was “commissioned to celebrate the centenary of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds.” Additional pictures after the jump.
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] It would seem to most casual surfers of the Internet that the battle that once roared between The “Church” of Scientology and the group called “Anonymous” all but fizzled out. While Guy Fawkes mask-wearing protesters are still occasionally sighted outside of Dianetics centers, the oddly named group doesn’t make […]
By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] Just when you think your obsession and dedication towards Star Wars couldn’t get any higher, you start to read stories like this one. One Star Wars fan, whose name has not been revealed, but obviously has a lot of spare cash lying around, parted with $402,500 for an original […]