The Geek Cookbook: Introducing The “Fatty Melt” Hamburger

Even though we typically prefer healthier fair here at [GAS], we’re not immune to the tempting goodness of an occasional poutine or Krispy Kreme cheeseburger. Unfortunately, there’s just something about junk food that makes us, as “normal” human beings, forget all we’ve been told as kids about proper nutrition. Maybe it’s the impeding danger of […]

Get a Special Preview of the Ninja Handbook!

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you love podcasts as much as I do, you’re probably already familiar with Ask A Ninja.  The Ninja’s helpful tips on how to survive everything from college life to meeting women always work really well for me.  Or rather they would if those tips didn’t result in one […]

Split Reasons: The Ultimate Shop for Geek Gear

I’m sure everybody here knows about ThinkGeek, right? They’ve been around forever, and I don’t know many self-respecting geeks who haven’t lusted after one of their products at one time or another. The only stuff I’ve never really liked from them are their t-shirts… I personally find them a little drab for the Star-Trek-loving bunch. […]