Build Your Own Marriage Proposal

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The much anticipated puzzle and word-creation game for Playstation 3, LittleBigPlanet, hasn’t even been released yet and it’s already changing lives. The game lets players build their own levels and share them through the PlayStation Network. It is due for release October 21, but has already had an extensive […]

How to Postpone a Potentially Disastrous Exam

Try to imagine you’ve got an important test to pass tomorrow and you’re going to epically fail it. Whether it’s because you haven’t studied or because you are just plain academically inept, you know that doom is around the corner. What options do you then have? Don’t take the exam? Cheat? Cram? The following video […]

“Tech For Obama” Wants to Sway Geeks Everywhere

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] As more and more people identify themselves as geeks, it’s important to remember that the geek voting block is growing too.  While the economy, the healthcare system, and the wars weigh heavily upon the minds of everyone, technology issues are not completely forgotten. A new group of Obama supporters, […]

An Ethnographer Takes a Look at the Digital Culture

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve got a little time to kill (over 55 minutes, actually), take a look at this great video by an ethnographer about the web’s participatory nature.  What is ethnography you ask? Well, as explained to me by someone in an actual ethnography course, it’s the study of a […]

Another Way to Get Caffeine in Your Mouth

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I was just reading an article in PC World about “geek cuisine,” which apparently means caffeinated drinks/candy. I’m not sure why geeks are the only ones who have trouble staying awake; I know just as many law students as programmers who are chugging red bulls at 2am. In any […]

4 Long-Dead Celebrities Resurrected Via Typeface Art

Used to advertise movie posters included in the Sunday edition of the Brazilian Folha de S. Paulo newspaper, the following 4 illustrations of long-dead movie celebrities were made using only simple fonts. The result is, shall we say, rather surprising. I’ve included the first picture below, and if you want to see the other ones, […]