The Michael Crichton story ideas that actually came true

By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact that Michael Crichton is dead.   Although some of his books were terrible (“The Terminal Man” is the worst book I have ever read), some of his other ones were fantastic, such as “Jurassic Park” and “The Andromeda Strain”.   To […]

Still Searching for that “Irrational” Third-Party Candidate?

by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to Pi’s campaign manager, a good reason for this write-in: “What pi refers to as ‘endless change’ is its infinite series of digits, which never repeat, have no predicable pattern, and never resolve. Simply put, pi is history’s biggest flip-flopper.” In other words, if you already know you’re […]

Proof that Republicans are the Only Ones Still Using AOL and Dial-Up

By Stephanie Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If AOL users could decide the election, John McCain would win in a landslide. That, of course, goes against virtually every single poll that has been released in the, oh, I don’t know, entire election season – but what it does show is the fact that AOL users are […]

The Election Through the Lens of Dungeons & Dragons

Thanks to the awesome brilliance of Livejournal user somehedgehog, D&D fans everywhere are laughing so hard they’re reaching for the Depends. In honor of the election, somehedgehog imagined what a game of D&D would be like if Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul were playing together.  […]