Star Wars Campaign Ads: Lando Calrissian vs. Emperor Palpatine
Who would YOU vote for? Lando Calrissian or Emperor Palpatine? [Via Neatorama]
Who would YOU vote for? Lando Calrissian or Emperor Palpatine? [Via Neatorama]
By Stephanie Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If AOL users could decide the election, John McCain would win in a landslide. That, of course, goes against virtually every single poll that has been released in the, oh, I don’t know, entire election season – but what it does show is the fact that AOL users are […]
Thanks to the awesome brilliance of Livejournal user somehedgehog, D&D fans everywhere are laughing so hard they’re reaching for the Depends. In honor of the election, somehedgehog imagined what a game of D&D would be like if Barack Obama, John McCain, Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Joe Biden, Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul were playing together. […]
by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] You know what they say… when you’ve got lemons, turn them into lemonade. And when you’ve got rampant video piracy, find a way to milk some ad revenue out of it. The “fingerprint” technology that we’ve been hearing about from YouTube is making its way in some form to […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] It seems like a guaranteed recipe for success: (1) source material from a series of best-selling fantasy novels (Terry Goodkind’s Sword of Truth series), (2) the producers who brought us Hercules and Xena (Sam Raimi, who has since knocked our socks off with Spider-Man, and Rob Tapert, who is […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you were on Twitter yesterday, you might have noticed a flood of tweets with a mysterious “#wotw2” code in them. Well that was a “hash tag” or “hash code” you were seeing there and those tweets were completely fictional. The fake tweets were all on account of War […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] A new EU trade rule has caused one winery to become a bit more creative with its naming scheme. Peltier Stanton makes port wine, but unfortunately, only grapes grown in Portugal can be used in the official production of “port.” Other grapes of the same variety can be used, […]
By Mark O’Neill Contributing Writer, [GAS] With the US election entering its final few days, all talk is on the “battleground states” and to which candidate they will swing to. But what about the battleground of Azeroth in World of Warcraft? If Barack Obama and John McCain were campaigning in Azeroth, which way would Azeroth […]
by Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Good news! Google, in addition to servicing most of your Internet-related needs, is also fighting hard to save your brains. Today, their robots.txt begins with the lofty declaration: User-agent: zombies Disallow: /brains That’s right: zombies are disallowed from accessing /brains today. I for one feel much safer knowing that […]
By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] If you’ve been following the election recently and happen to be a geek, odds are you get a bit of your news coverage from social networks. Well on November 4th, two of those networks, Digg and Twitter, will be coming together on Current TV to bring you an election […]