Burn 10 Facebook friends to cook up a free Whopper

It’s a new year, and chances are that at least some of you have made a resolution to avoid fast food or red meat.  Burger King knows this, and they’re apparently seeking to head off this mass migration towards healthiness by offering an alternative resolution:  delete 10 of your Facebook friends instead, and they’ll give you […]

Yelp review spurs test case for online defamation

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] Popular review site Yelp is a great place to get that anger off your chest about how you were treated by a crappy, overpriced restaurant or any other vendor/service provider, but a lawsuit filed last February may chill out some of those heated reviews in the future. Christopher […]

Gamers Still Love Their Playstation 2

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Nielson’s 2008 Trend Summary reveals some interesting data in its gaming top ten lists. It seems that despite the fuss over next-gen consoles these past two years, people still spend more time with Playstation 2’s than any other gaming console. Based on usage minutes, the PS2 nearly doubles the […]

Banned Emoticon Gets No <3

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Lake Superior State University has issued its 34th annual List of Words to Be Banished from the Queen’s English for Mis-use, Over-use and General Uselessness. Nominations for the list come from the general public, through the university’s website. The targets are generally “pet peeves from everyday speech, as well […]

Japan Has Somehow Given Chemistry Boobs

By Jimmy Rogers Contributing Writer, [GAS] [SFW- Warning] This article is work safe, but the links are probably not. It appears that once again, the Land of the Rising Sun has taken something completely normal and made it into hot anime chicks.  This phenomenon is called “Moe” and it actually means taking inanimate objects and making […]