2009 Hugo Award Nominations

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] There are two major literary awards in the science fiction and fantasy genre–the Nebulas, given by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America, and the Hugos, voted on by the members of Worldcon (which will be held this August in Montreal). The Hugo nominees were announced yesterday, and […]

Feature: The Diet Coke & Mentos Saga of the EepyBirds

Two of my favorite people to interview – ever- are Fritz Grobe and Stephen Yoltz of Eepybird.com, a performance troupe based in Maine. If you’re anything like 40 million other people in the world, you know these guys from “The Diet Coke & Mentos Experiments” – a recreation of the Bellagio Fountains using nothing but […]

Feature: The Boiler Bar – Like Thirsty Moths to a Flame

By Brian Boyko Contributing Writer, [GAS] They call it “oilpunk” – a sort of “post-Steampunk” aesthetic, championing the designs of the early modern era (around 1920s/1930s) rather than the Victorian attributes of the “steampunker.” And what better homage to the era of the speakeasy than a bar? Yes, the fireballs generated by the twin propane-fueled […]