A Birthday Cake Fit For a Programmer [Picture]
Inspired by XKCD #303 : The #1 programmer excuse for legitimately slacking off: “Sudo make me a cake”, “Done.” [Via Digg]
Inspired by XKCD #303 : The #1 programmer excuse for legitimately slacking off: “Sudo make me a cake”, “Done.” [Via Digg]
GeekDad posted what he calls “a good sample of the skills required to be a true geek.” I started reading the list of 100 Essential Skills for Geeks and realized I am not a geek at all. But rather than giving up, I, like a true geek, kept reading the list. At about #47, the […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Some of the gadget blogs were reporting on the “game doctor” before it was released in June, but now that the mainstream media has picked up the story, you can be sure that more moms will be hearing about this device and thinking, “Oh, that’s brilliant!” This isn’t the […]
There are lots of interesting ways geeks can express their love to one another. A few months ago, we featured Signs, a short movie about love and communication in the office world, and today, for all the hopeless geek romantics among you, we’d like to present Post-it Love, another cute office romance story. [Via Dans […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] The headline at CNN is “Michael Jackson dies, almost takes Internet with him.” Obviously a bit of an exaggeration, but it still seems fitting that if one man’s fame could single-handedly break the Internet, it would be the King of Pop. The overload even caused AOL (after AIM was […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] According to The Economist, the virtual world Second Life might be a new way to help those with learning disabilities understand (and therefore provide informed consent for) medical procedures and treatment options. A model of the Royal Sussex County Hospital is being built, where the avatars of study participants […]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] I spied this image on Gizmodo yesterday and it made me laugh. Notice “YouTube:” just you and a tube! “Weather” and “Safari” aren’t too bad either! Somebody clearly put a lot of work into this. Let’s hope getting on the front page of Digg was the payout they […]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] In a recent speech, Dow Jones Chief Executive and publisher of the Wall Street Journal Les Hinton waxed poetic upon the evils of Google by picking a metaphor and, er, sinking his teeth in. He called Google a vampire that’s been “sucking the blood” out of the newspaper business. […]
By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Much has been made of the wives of the important men in history. Some of those wives were very important in their own right, or even more so than their husbands. It seems that one such lady has somehow slipped through the cracks of history, though. Recently, a […]