Nerd Venn Diagram
A clever little Venn diagram that will help you determine which type of “nerd” you are. In what category would you put yourself? Let us know in the comments!
A clever little Venn diagram that will help you determine which type of “nerd” you are. In what category would you put yourself? Let us know in the comments!
Ok, maybe not “happy” but at least happier than they used to be. According to “Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents“, a research report from Peter Dodds and Christopher Danforth, two mathematicians from Vermont University, the general mood of bloggers seems to be in an upward trend since 2005. Starting […]
In the following video, ‘E-Mom’ Gloria Bianco shows Today Now’s hosts Jim and Tracy how geographical distance is no longer a roadblock to shamelessly interfering with the lives of your children, thanks to online services such as Twitter and Facebook.
I don’t know how one goes about finding these things, but someone noticed a weird source code for this page. It’s a very basic, unspectacular catalog page for Fujinon Binoculars. But take a look at the source code. This screenshot is but a tiny part of the madness. Keep scrolling down the code for the […]
By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] A criminologist in Australia thinks maybe so. According to Russel Smith of the Australian Institute of Criminology, the simultaneous rise of cyber-crime and suckers born per minute has led to a crisis that requires government intervention. Quoting Mr. Smith: There’s been some discussion in Europe about the use […]
Level 80 paladins are way too busy saving the world to have time for girls or guys, everyone knows that! [Via The Daily What | Graphjam]
Ladies and gentlemen, geeks and geekettes, let me present you… the The USS Enterprise, Mach II! Who knew that geek and redneck culture could attain such a state of perfect symbiosis? [Via Digg]
In the following video, career analyst Dan Pink examines the puzzle of motivation, starting with a fact that social scientists know but most managers don’t: Traditional rewards aren’t always as effective as we think. Listen for illuminating stories — and maybe, a way forward.
Apparently Jessica Biel could kill your computer. According to McAfee’s annual report on the riskiest celebs to search for, the 27-year-old actress’ name poses the biggest threat when it comes to viruses, spyware, and other online threats popping up in search results. Search terms like “Jessica Biel photos” and “Jessica Biel screensavers” have a 1 […]
Yes, you read that headline correctly, no need to rub your eyes. The following video features 3 bikini babes reading some parts of the Star Wars script for your, *ahem*, viewing enjoyment. Hey, It’s Star Wars… it’s bikini-clad girls… so uuuh, it has to be awesome… right? :) If this isn’t enough for you, there’s […]