School prepares for book-free library

How many books would you expect to see in a New England prep school library? Until recently, the correct answer in the case of Cushing Academy was 20,000. But soon the answer will be zero. The school has decided to replace its stock of physical books (pictured) with a collection of internet-enabled screens and electronic […]

Study: Bloggers Are Happy

Ok, maybe not “happy” but at least happier than they used to be. According to “Measuring the Happiness of Large-Scale Written Expression: Songs, Blogs, and Presidents“, a research report from Peter Dodds and Christopher Danforth, two mathematicians from Vermont University, the general mood of bloggers seems to be in an upward trend since 2005. Starting […]

Should using a computer require a geek license?

By Sterling “Chip” Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] A criminologist in Australia thinks maybe so.  According to Russel Smith of the Australian Institute of Criminology, the simultaneous rise of cyber-crime and suckers born per minute has led to a crisis that requires government intervention.  Quoting Mr. Smith: There’s been some discussion in Europe about the use […]