Big Bang Theory + Wil Wheaton + Penny Arcade = Geek Win

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Next week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, titled “The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary,” guest stars Wil Wheaton. He was tweeting and blogging about it while shooting, which was pretty amusing/informative, and the episode is already up in the queue! CBS just posted the promo on YouTube: The first […]

What Windows 7 personality are you?

In anticipation of the general release of Windows 7 on October 22, Microsoft has published a Windows 7 Personality Quiz (via Ina).ย  Donโ€™t you have to wonder what Windows 7 personality you are?ย  Will you be โ€œBloatedโ€, โ€œOverhypedโ€, or โ€œBSOD?โ€ย  Letโ€™s examine this little survey, because one of our favorite activities here on [GAS] is […]

Brendan the Voyager Discovers the New World 900 Years Before Christopher Columbus?

Today, at least in the US, it’s Columbus Day. While I won’t pretend that the claims by the famous Italian are somewhat up for debate, and certainly with their share of controversy, I’d rather offer someone else for your consideration for the discovery of this hemisphere: the 6th century Irish monk known as St. Brendan. […]

TV review: Micro Men

As part of its Electric Revolution series, the UK’s BBC has shown a fact-based drama, Micro Men, looking at the early 80s period when Britain was arguably leading the world in home computing. The heart of the story was the personal rivalry between Clive Sinclair (Alexander Armstrong, pictured above right) and Chris Curry (Martin Freeman, […]

11th Doctor: Matt Smith & the New Doctor Who Companion

With David Tennant departing from the show, the big news in Doctor Who world early this year was the casting of newcomer Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor (perhaps even overshadowing the other big news that Steven Moffat is replacing Russell T. Davies as head writer). And a couple of months ago it was announced […]

Zombieland delivers gore, geekery, and guffaws

By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] I have a confession to make: I’m not that into horror flicks. It’s not that I’m a total wuss, necessarily, but I happened to have been raised in a household where viewing such material was simply off-limits. So I didn’t really get the opportunity to watch anything gory or […]