The 4 Ways Sound Affects Us
Playing sound effects both pleasant and awful, Julian Treasure shows how sound affects us in four significant ways. Listen carefully for a shocking fact about noisy open-plan offices.
Playing sound effects both pleasant and awful, Julian Treasure shows how sound affects us in four significant ways. Listen carefully for a shocking fact about noisy open-plan offices.
The world will end after being hit by the planet Nibiru on 21 December 2012. That’s a nice story, but it’s not true. And a senior scientist at NASA’s Astrobiology Institute says so. David Morrison (pictured), writes a regular column with the wonderfully Onionesque title Ask an Astrobiologist for the Astronomical Society of Pacific newsletter. […]
This handy Venn diagram lists and classifies certain class of crazy people and things they probably own. [Via Buzzfeed]
By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] Next week’s episode of The Big Bang Theory, titled “The Creepy Candy Coating Corollary,” guest stars Wil Wheaton. He was tweeting and blogging about it while shooting, which was pretty amusing/informative, and the episode is already up in the queue! CBS just posted the promo on YouTube: The first […]
Hmmm, Microsoft may want to think about re-branding their search engine name if they ever launch it to China, what do you think?
In anticipation of the general release of Windows 7 on October 22, Microsoft has published a Windows 7 Personality Quiz (via Ina). Don’t you have to wonder what Windows 7 personality you are? Will you be “Bloated”, “Overhyped”, or “BSOD?” Let’s examine this little survey, because one of our favorite activities here on [GAS] is […]
Today, at least in the US, it’s Columbus Day. While I won’t pretend that the claims by the famous Italian are somewhat up for debate, and certainly with their share of controversy, I’d rather offer someone else for your consideration for the discovery of this hemisphere: the 6th century Irish monk known as St. Brendan. […]
As part of its Electric Revolution series, the UK’s BBC has shown a fact-based drama, Micro Men, looking at the early 80s period when Britain was arguably leading the world in home computing. The heart of the story was the personal rivalry between Clive Sinclair (Alexander Armstrong, pictured above right) and Chris Curry (Martin Freeman, […]
For the new parents among you who wish to creep everyone out at the upcoming halloween, let us present you: the Lil’ Vampire Baby Pacifier! Now, with the Lil’ Vampire Baby Pacifier, your little one will be the talk of the town as the first vampire newborn most trick or treater will have ever seen! […]
With David Tennant departing from the show, the big news in Doctor Who world early this year was the casting of newcomer Matt Smith as the 11th Doctor (perhaps even overshadowing the other big news that Steven Moffat is replacing Russell T. Davies as head writer). And a couple of months ago it was announced […]