The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells [Video]
There’s really no age to love the muppets! Enjoy everyone!
There’s really no age to love the muppets! Enjoy everyone!
We’ve posted videos of beatboxers a few times here on [GaS], but now, let us present you with something a little different, a fluteboxer, someone who plays the flute while beatboxing at the same time. [Via Videosift]
If you were to transcribe every word you saw or heard during a week, the result would be longer than War and Peace. That’s one of the statistics thrown up by a report that finds the average person now reads three times as much as their 1980s counterpart, thanks mainly to computers in general and […]
The British government has confirmed it will introduce a tax on phone lines, designed to fund expansion of broadband services across the vast majority of the country. But the electoral timetable makes it questionable how long the tax would apply for, if at all. The aim of the tax is to subsidize extending broadband to […]
By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GaS] Share Unfortunately, though the world might be getting more and more geek friendly by the minute, being a geek girl is still difficult. So I’m appealing to you, Geeks Are Sexy readers, to consider a few things when approaching us in the, um, wild. I’m drawing on real experience […]
Modern communications technology is often blamed for supposed declining standards in literacy. But a British study finds children who make regular use of social networking tools are more likely to be confident about their written communication. The study by the National Literacy Trust found some seemingly obvious patterns, such as the fact that children who […]
Back in 1993, the Internet was a novelty whose concept few had grasped and most were confused by. This CBC-TV clip from “Prime Time News” reminds us of the astonishing conquest of the online world.
This has to be the most stupid idea… EVER! Unsurprisingly, fluorescent lamp fighting comes directly from the land of the rising sun, which brings me to this question: why does the majority of things that make you go WTF always seem to be coming from Japan? Hit the jump for additional pictures (warning: slightly graphic.)
The nine-year-old Mozart was not, as suspected, a midget adult. This and many other fascinating revelations are uncovered in a collection of historic scientific documents unveiled by the Royal Society this week. The society, formed in London in 1660, began publishing a journal titled Philosophical Transactions five years later – a journal which remains in […]
For computer geeks, the Windows versus Apple war has been going on for many, many years, but who knew that photo geeks were also engaged in an epic battle between Canon and Nikon? [Via Gizmodo]