Science is Sexy: Why Do We Get Sick More in the Wintertime?

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] Well it’s that time of year….of flu’s and rhinos (Rhinoviruses) and sniffles, OH MY! Yes, everyone seems to be getting sick. With all of these things going on, it might get you thinking…why now? Why do we always get sick more in the winter? ย Well to answer that […]

Sherlock Holmes and Other Literary Action Heroes

By Casey Lynn Contributing Writer, [GAS] I saw Sherlock Holmes this weekend and what the New York Times calls “intermittently diverting” I would reclassify as “wildly entertaining,” but then, I realized that perhaps I just have a fondness for literary-characters-turned-action-heroes. No, it’s not for the Holmes purist; we all know that Arthur Conan Doyle’s Holmes […]

Yard work and self-loathing the trends for social networkers

Facebook users didn’t seem to have a great 2009 according to data the firm has just released. The biggest trends among status updates included celebrity deaths, swine flu, and general depression. You’ll probably be seeing reports on the data in a variety of outlets today, but many of them are incorrect. The phrases and topics […]