This headline is none of your business

It was International Data Privacy Day yesterday. That’s doesn’t appear to have led to any restaurant or bar discounts or formed the basis of an awesome themed party, but it did produce a series of events and speeches to promote the issue. The day is promoted by The Privacy Projects, an organization which researches and […]

PETA Wants Groundhog Replaced with Robot

File this under “strange but true.” Apparently one of PETA’s latest projects is an attempt to save Punxsutawney Phil from the cruel and unusual treatment of being forced to see his shadow (or not) every February 2. They believe that the ceremony is “traumatizing and stressful” for the groundhog, and that he should be replaced […]

January 27th: A Great Day in Geek History

Believe it or not, yesterday was a rather important day, and not just because of the big announcement (or the other big announcement). Aside from the hype and the craziness, January 27th is a surprisingly historic day for geeks. Personally, I got a little tired of reading about iPads—and increasingly amused by the bad name […]

Expecto Awesome – New Photo from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter

I will make no apologies for being excited about this: And by this, I mean a glimpse into The Wizarding World of Harry Potter theme park they’re putting together in Orlando. Sure, it’s a theme park. Natania, you say, it’s not real! You can go to Europe to see real castles. You don’t need to […]