Verizon Wireless blocking is un4chanate for board users

Controversial message board site 4chan claims it has been blocked by Verizon Wireless. It’s the second time it has made such a claim against a major internet provider, following on from similar accusations against AT&T last summer. If you’ve never come across 4chan, it’s technically a collection of image-sharing boards, though one such board (known […]

The Geek Guide to Valentine’s Day Gifts 2010

Love is in the air! Or at least, hearts and flowers and overpriced candy and marketing that plays on your feelings of romantic obligation. But whether you think Valentine’s Day is a good idea or not, if you have a significant other you’re probably celebrating anyway. So if that significant other happens to be a […]

The Future is Near: Design Firm Ponders Floating Hotels

Now this is something frivolous, fantastic, and futuristic that I can really get behind. According to CNN, London-based design company, Seymourpowell, has proposed a project for floating hotels, called AirCruise. Essentially, the idea is to travel in the form of a futuristic airship/luxury hotel, designed to float from destination to destination rather than zoom at […]

We Don’t Need No Stinking Subtitles! [Video]

By Jimmy Rogers (@me) Contributing Writer, [GAS] This is probably older than the internet, but we just discovered it the other day (via the hallowed “instant messenger” method) and figured it was worth a laugh or two. One thing I noticed after watching were the tags on the YouTube page for this clip.  They include […]