Geeks do good: Twitter users raise $300k+ for charity

Next time someone tells you Twitter is good for nothing, tell them this: thanks to the site, enough money has been raised to build 13 schools for the world’s poorest children. That’s all thanks to Twestival, a global event held yesterday in 175 cities around the world. Local organizers held parties in venues “hired” without […]

GameCrush: Want to Play Halo with a REAL GIRL? Pay Up.

Launching today, must think it’s sewn up the market for desperately lonely gaming geeks. Of course, how big a market that is is yet to be seen. Just imagine the marketing brainstorming session that could have taken place over a few dozen beers: Entrepreneur #1: Man, I wish there were more hot girls playing […]

Switzerland Considering Video Game Ban

Historically, Switzerland has almost always been a non-violent country, having not been involved in military conflict for almost 200 years. Now it appears that this attitude will be spreading the world of video games. The Swiss National Council, the country’s parliament, has passed a law which gives the government the power to create rules over […]