100 Crazy Lord Vader Helmets Up for Auction [PICS]

As a writer, I’m aware that just one or two words really can transform a sentence. Take this proposition: The Freeman’s Auction House in Philadelphia is auctioning off 100 helmets this Saturday with an average starting price of $1,500. Pretty bland, huh? Now let’s try it again with two extra words: The Freeman’s Auction House […]

Thinking Smaller With E-Readers

Last week I wrote a short post about e-readers and their decided limitations during the summer months. A few of our readers suggested, in lieu of purchasing an e-reader, to go with something simpler. Like an iPod, cell phone, or other small device. Admittedly, that’s just what I’ve been doing. I have an iPod Touch […]

eReaders slower but more pleasurable than print, study claims

It’s hardly a shock to discover that people are able to read a printed book quicker than on a reading device. But surprisingly one study suggests the difference isn’t that large, and there may be little difference in enjoyment either. The Nielsen Norman Group, headed by usability expert Jakob Nielsen, carried out a test where […]