M. C. Escher in Kindergarten
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When CBS decided to air a sitcom starring William Shatner based on the cult hit Twitter account @shitmydadsays, it decided to tweak the name to avoid causing offence. Unfortunately that’s proved a step too far for modern technology. The network has now had to post a message on the show’s official forum urging viewers who […]
When you hear the word moonshine, it probably brings to mind a bygone era of Prohibition-thwarting, bathtub mixing, car chasing yokels, brewing up batches of questionable alcohol. Or Irish songs. But according to writer Michelle Locke, writing for AP and featured on the Mother Nature Network, moonshine is having something of a renaissance as of […]
Information technology makes you happy — and it’s not just because of earning more money. At least that’s the claim of a new report by the former British Computer Society. The group, now known as “BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT” says its analysis shows the biggest beneficial effects are for women and new users. […]
Erin Steenson teaches kids how to handle a lightsaber at Adventure Theatre’s Lightsaber Adventures. Wish there was something like this near the place I live… I know my kids would have a blast participating! Unfortunately, at $300, the price is a little steep, but i’d probably end up enrolling them anyways. Bring your young Jedis […]
After writing a graphic novel called Minister Jade, New York based artist Steve Bialik applied his interest in Japanese and Chinese style illustrations, and created this series of paintings of the main characters in the Star Wars universe re-envisioned into a beautifully executed series of Samurai themed portraits. Additional pictures right after the jump.
So it’s Talk Like a Pirate Day again, which is, of course, one of the most wonderful times of the year. Especially if you’re (1) a pirate, or (2) fond of wearing funny hats and saying “ARRRR!” However, if you’re just wanting to get into the spirit of things, here are some of my suggestions […]
Caroline Phillips cranks out tunes on a seldom-heard folk instrument: the hurdy-gurdy, a.k.a. the wheel fiddle. A searching, Basque melody follows her fun lesson on its unique anatomy and 1,000-year history. [Via TED]
1) You are an employee of the United States Patent Office. Early one sunny morning you are asked to examine a patent claim from IBM. Its first claim reads: A method for selecting a logical branch in a storyline among a plurality of available storyline branches on a computing device, based on voters’ votes, comprising: […]
So, are there any grammar nazis out there who want to chime in about this video? :) [Via Reddit]