Geeks from History: Napoleon

By Sterling โ€œChipโ€ Camden Contributing Writer, [GAS] While manipulating the French Revolution for his own ends and conquering Europe in his spare time, Napoleon Bonaparte was first and foremost a geek at heart. He was passionate about science and math. Napoleon remembered his early school days like many of us: “every one said of me: […]

Genuine Sonic Screwdriver in the Works

British engineers are exploring the possibility of a real-life sonic screwdriver. Bruce Drinkwater, professor of ultrasonics at Bristol University, doesn’t expect to make a working model particularly soon. But he’s working on at least proving the concept is possible. The idea is to build on existing work using ultrasonic forcefields to separate out diseased cells […]

Capitol Hill tired of reaching for the mute buttom

The days of unexpectedly loud TV commercials are numbered thanks to a bill that has just passed the US congress. The tenuously-named Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act (that is, CALM) tackles a problem that dates back to the beginnings of commercial television and has attracted attention on both sides of the Atlantic: that the commercials […]