Geeky Gingerbread [Pictures]

It’s that time of year! Holiday baking means small armies of gingerbread men, not to mention the delicious houses they live in. But clearly some gingerbready culinary concoctions are geekier than others, and here’s a few you can try to replicate if you’re feeling particularly creative (and hungry)… Night of the Living Bread – v1ctory_1s_m1ne […]

Google Book Data Shows the Resurgence of the Geek

Geekery was popular in the early 19th century, but its heyday began in the 1980s. That’s just one conclusion to be drawn from a fascinating new tool from Google. The Google Book Ngram Viewer allows users to search for the popularity of words in 5.2 million books that the company has scanned and digitized: that’s […]