Live Long and Prosper: A Compilation of All Vulcan Salute References in Star Trek [Video]

From John DiMarco: Peace and long life. The iconic Vulcan salute was first seen and heard during The Original Series, and since then it has appeared throughout the Star Trek franchise (but apparently not in Deep Space 9). This video documents the use of the famous greeting from TOS to Prodigy. Fun facts: the V-shaped […]

Today’s Hottest Deals: Celebrate Tolkien Day With These Insanely Cheap J.R.R. Tolkien Titles

Today is Tolkien Day, and for the occassion, Amazon is holding a big sale on some of the author’s most popular novels! Please note that Geeks are Sexy might get a small commission from qualifying purchases done through our posts (as an Amazon associate or a member of other affiliate programs.) –Celebrate Tolkien Reading Day: […]

A True Story: The Crazy Tale of the First Sci-Fi Story Ever Written (2nd Century AD)

Back in the second century AD, Greek author Lucian of Samosata wrote what is now considered the first sci-fi story of all time. “A True Story” was written to poke fun at some of the outlandish tales published by some of the author’s peers, particularly those reporting fantastical events as if they were true. Here […]

From the Anglo Saxons to Shakespeare: A Short Animated History of the English Language

Here’s a short animated history of the English language, starting back when Anglo Saxons populated part of the United Kingdom, going all the way up to today. A fascinating video by Harrison Holt of “The Generalist Papers,” who has a fascinating Youtube channel well worth checking out! [The Generalist Papers]

Why Are Cats Mythology’s Most Popular Creatures?

Not quite deities and definitely not human, cats have stalked our cultural imagination since ancient times. As demons, defenders, evil sidekicks, and sleek companions, they play many roles in culture and myth. But what makes cats so enduring, and what does our feline fascination tell us about human nature? Hosted by Dr. Moiya McTier & […]