Brilliant: NASA – The Frontier is Everywhere
No, this isn’t an official commercial promoting NASA, but we definitely think it should be. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. [Via Reddit]
No, this isn’t an official commercial promoting NASA, but we definitely think it should be. Sit back, relax, and enjoy. [Via Reddit]
There is little doubt that as time marches on, the sheer amount of impressive technology that each of us has access to will grow exponentially. After all it was only 30 years ago that the thought of home computing was a novel and futuristic concept, whereas today, the thought of not having immediate access to […]
We’ve featured a few alphabets on [Gas] in the past, most notably our own Geek Alphabet, but Vimeo user n9ve used various fonts to create his own version, where each character is the initial letter of a font name. Check it out: [Via TDW]
All I can say is: Wow, have you looked at all the details on that thing? It looks almost real! Kudos to the crew over at Mike’s Amazing Cakes for one of the most delicious and awesome looking dragon cakes I’ve ever seen… not that I’ve seen many, of course, because let’s admit it, there’s […]
By Rob Lammle Contributing Writer, [GAS] Dungeons & Dragons is pretty much a right of passage into nerdery. Even if you didn’t play a lot after you discovered the opposite sex, most of us have rolled a few saving throws in our day. Which is why, when I stumbled upon the website Dungeons and Drawings, […]
Graphic artist Adam Stillwell brings us another set of Bad Dudes!
What do you get if you appoint Lady Gaga as creative director at Polaroid? Why, a pair of sunglasses that can take pictures, of course. Gaga took on the role a year ago as part of Polaroid’s attempts to rebrand itself after getting out of the instant-print game at the end of 2008. This led […]
Yes! Lucasfilm will finally be releasing the original Star Wars trilogy on Blu-ray. Here’s a short excerpt from the official press release: The most anticipated Blu-ray release ever — the Star Wars Saga — emerges from light speed this September 2011. For the first time, all six of George Lucas’ epic films (Episodes I-VI) are […]
Actor David Tennant is to marry actress Georgia Moffett. That news is fairly straightforward, albeit devastating for several single women I know. But the type of viewer who gets confused between actors and the televisual roles they play should just give up now. You see, the pair met during the filming of the 2008 Doctor […]