The Geekiest Super Bowl Commercial Ever

It’s that time of year again. This Sunday millions of Americans will huddle around their televisions and stuff their faces with snack foods while cheering on their favorite group of overpaid athletes. Ah yes, the Super Bowl. For many of you non-Americans out there who don’t consider the United States the center of the universe, […]

Wired Tales: Science fiction inspired by science fact

Wired is a science and technology magazine. Weird Tales is a fantasy and horror pulp fiction magazine. And Wired Tales is a new project from freelance writer Will Hindmarch. The challenge? To write a couple of short stories every month based on features in Wired magazine. The first issue launched yesterday and I heard about […]

US kids’ scientific proficiency brought into question

Newly published test scores suggest most school students are falling short of proficiency in science study, with a high proportion failing to reach even a basic level. The figures, which cover tests in 2009, come from the National Assessment of Educational Assessment Progress, which is also known by the catchier brand name “The Nation’s Report […]