Please File This Under: FULL OF WIN [Pic]
This is probably as old as the Internet, but to tell you frankly, I don’t really care, so I’m posting it anyways! [Via Wil Wheaton dot Tumblr]
This is probably as old as the Internet, but to tell you frankly, I don’t really care, so I’m posting it anyways! [Via Wil Wheaton dot Tumblr]
To create this visual history of Humanity, Gareth Lloyd and Tom Martin used data from 15,500 historical events on Wikipedia and mapped them on an empty surface according to their locations on the world map and the time each happened during the history of mankind. Watch as the new world explodes as Christopher Columbus crosses […]
I’m sure you’ve all noticed by now, here at [GAS], we’re big fans of geeky birthday cakes, and the following one is (gruesomely) geeky in its own way. There’s nothing quite like the taste of insanity to help you cope with being a year older! If you want to see some other Cthulhu-themed cakes, […]
There are few debates in life as intense as those which pit superheroes against one another, and no place like the Internet to take a geek-fueled fever pitch a full order of magnitude further than necessary. Who runs faster, Superman or the Flash? Seems like an innocuous enough question–I mean, who’s going to have a […]
If you don’t get the reference, be sure to watch the following video, and even if you do, watch it anyways. This is one of the most awesome movie scenes of all time. :) [Get it @]
Hey geeks! Not only is Nathan Fillion one of the sexiest geek guy on earth, but he’s also a “geek god” according to the Entertainment Weekly magazine… and I have to say, we wholeheartedly agree with them. Check out the cover on the latest edition of the magazine: Fillion is more polite than most—with fans, […]
Fresh off the Apollo 11 Moon landing and aching to get some of those sweet avocado-colored refrigerators into space, NASA held a couple summer camps focused on designing space colonies. Artist’s renderings of some of the designs are truly spectacular–predating digital imaging, they’re all hand-painted works of Aquarian Age science fiction. The perspective in the […]
Animator Ben Hibon brings us this surprisingly gut wrenching short based on the violent steampunk world of the soon to be released Sucker Punch. [Via Sci Fi Mafia]
Hey, it’s 3 1/2, 5 1/4, and 8-inch chilling on a table, resting in floppy heaven after a life of hard work. Thanks guys! Installing NT via those twenty-two 3 1/2 floppies was really a blast. I also remember those awesome floppy-throwing contest we used to organize during BBS GT’s in the early 90’s, back […]
Netflix is dominating the online movie market in the US, and now it’s considering getting into original programming. It was already known that from a sheer data use perspective, Netflix was having a major impact on data flow going through the web. It’s estimated to make up 20% of downstream traffic in the US at […]