Like a G6 Parody: Roll a D6, Roll a D6 [Video]
OMG! Best. Song. Parody. Of. ALL. TIME. There’s only one thing I don’t agree with however: Coke certainly isn’t the best beverage to have while playing D&D. [Via]
OMG! Best. Song. Parody. Of. ALL. TIME. There’s only one thing I don’t agree with however: Coke certainly isn’t the best beverage to have while playing D&D. [Via]
Nicolas Shilson painted this awesome Spiderman vs. Wolverine scene for the Face & Body Painting Convention in Telford, UK. [Via Walyou]
So Nathan Fillion, on the set of ABC’s Castle, gets up to some back stage shenanigans that back fires on him in this funny little clip. Of course, Nathan asks Seamus Dever who is filming not to post to Twitter and…
He who controls the gelatin controls the universe… [Source: Candywarehouse – Flickr]
This is a rant about the wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton. But it is not a rant about the wedding itself. Nor is it a rant about the hype surrounding the event. Instead it is a rant about a particularly ludicrous element of the hype that offends me as a rationally thinking geek. […]
A blogger named “Professor CaT Pardus” took a basic Nerf Maverick gun and modified it heavily to give it a “steampunk” look. check this baby out, it looks pretty awesome. [More pictures available @ The Wonderful Creations of Professor Cat Pardus | Via Neatorama]
This awesome t-shirt from Splitreason mashes up Chewbacca from Star Wars and Domo Kun, the official mascot of Japan’s NHK television station. [Get it @ – 10% off with promo code “geeksaresexy”]
[Source: Abstruse Goose]
[GAS] friend and relentlessly cheerful artist James Hance has recently tried his hand at wood burning, and I must say, for a first try, he was wildly successful. Check it out: Oh, and speaking of James, his little girl still needs your help! $15k has been raised so far to help pay for her expensive […]