Geeky High-Schoolers Make Better Adults than In-Crowders

Most of us who are, ahem, long out of high school already know this, but author of The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth, Alexandra Robbins, is here to confirm: former geeks make more successful adults than popular kids. Robbins’s focus is on perceived popularity (that is, those noted as being “most popular”) rather than actual […]

Miniature Strandbeest Coming to a 3D Printer Near You [Videos]

Not so very long ago, artist Theo Jansen made Internet waves with his massive self-propelled strandbeests, kinetic sculptures built from plastic pipe, water bottles and other found materials. If you haven’t witnessed the awesome weirdness of the strandbeest, here’s a video of Jansen’s TED Talk. Now, with the increasing availability* of 3D printing, your very […]

Harry Potter and the Comic Book Treatment

Comics + Harry Potter… what’s not to like? That’s what artist Lucy Knisley figured when she put together a quick reference guide to the first five books on everyone’s favorite boy wizard. That’s Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (Philosopher’s Stone to those of you outside of the U.S.) above, but you can find the […]

QUESTION: Ladies, is This REALLY Offensive to You? [Video]

Recently, Vince Mancini from the FilmDrunk blog posted this video he created for his readership. I’ll let you check it out before asking you the big question. So now that you’ve seen Vince’s video, here’s my question to you: Were you offended in any way by it? Apparently, there are a lot of people out […]

Wannabe Astronauts, Rejoice! It’s International Space Day!

Break out your telescopes and scientific calculators! Space Day was created by Lockheed Martin Corporation in 1997  to motivate the youth of America to study math and science. This day was originally established as a one day event but because of overwhelming interest, Space Day became an annual event. In 2001, former astronaut and Senator John Glenn […]