Super-Geeky Needlecraft [Pics]

No longer is the art of cross-stitch reserved for the elderly or cat-obsessed. As geekiness sweeps its well-versed arm over the masses, all manner of awesome things are happening, even in something as old-fashioned as embroidery. These aren’t your grandma’s alphabet samplers; this is the Internet, and we can has art. (Click thumbnails to enlarge!) […]

File This Under WTF: The Museum of Non-Visible Art

James Franco, the actor-artist-author-director-resident weirdo, has a brand new (and appropriately strange) collaborative project underway–MONA: the Museum of Non-Visible Art. That’s non-visible as in “invisible” as in “there’s nothing to see here.” According to the project’s Kickstarter page (which was fully funded and then some in a blink and a half): The Non-Visible Museum is an extravaganza […]

Smell-o-Vision: Coming Soon?

We still don’t have hoverboards or robot maids, but a collaborative effort between Samsung and the University of California San Diego may make sure we do still live at least partly in the future we imagined. Behold, geeks, I give you: Smell-o-Vision. Virtual smells have long eluded developers by being too difficult to control, impractical […]