Brent Spiner’s Patrick Stewart Impression [Video]
I’m sorry–Sir Mr. Stewart impression. [HandandHook via Neatorama]
I’m sorry–Sir Mr. Stewart impression. [HandandHook via Neatorama]
You may not always wear cufflinks, but when you do, you should wear these spiffy ones inspired by Doctor Who. Simon Jansen, a self-professed Anglophile and trainspotter, made these from an N-scale police box model. If you’d like your own, head over to Asciimation for the instructions. [Make via technabob]
“Winter is Coming” by Joel Watson of HijiNKS ENSUE. Watson says he’s been thinking about how to put it together for some time: I’ve been tossing this Calvin and Hobbes meets Game of Thrones idea around for a while.Originally it was going to be Calvin/Jon Snow and Hobbes/Sam standing atop the wall mirroring the dialog from the final Calvin And […]
(Click image to embiggen.) Things you’ll look for right away: WALL-E, Bender Bending Rodriguez, Daleks, c3PO. Things you’ll see before all of those: R2D2, Rosie, Sonny. If you need an even larger version, check it out here at 1450×987. [Hopewell Studios via G.TDW]
This video is so old that Billy Corgan, Dave Matthews and Moby still had hair. Also, people knew who they were. Coolio shows up, which seems as though it bears mentioning. Watch as the world discovers email, chat, and Twinkie haiku. The video also warns that the World Wide Web is filled with naughty material, and […]
Examine any internet forum or blogs and their comment sections and you’ll find countless people with a loyalty to one brand or another that get very agitated by any criticism. Now researchers have suggested consumers may effectively be mixing up their own self-image with that of the brand. A research project involving staff in Illinois, […]
Facebook fan Joe Adams brought this awesomeness to our attention (thanks, Joe!)–it’s a life-sized mirrored replica of the TARDIS, and depending on the viewing angle, it can nearly disappear into its surroundings. Mark Wallinger, he creator of “Time and Relative Dimensions in Space 2001,? the piece’s official title, says: “I have always been interested in how we […]
Social networking and mobile phones have been blamed by some for fuelling last week’s riots in the United Kingdom. But now police say they were able to use the technology to head off attacks at high-profile targets. While some of the less academically gifted rioters published their intentions on Twitter or Facebook, some ringleaders communicated […]
Here’s a cool thing: this is the two-page spread from Bongo Comics’ Futurama/Simpsons Infinitely Secret Crossover Crisis. (Click the pic for a larger version.) Check out Mrs. Krebapple with Zapp Brannigan. They were practically drawn for each other. [G.TDW]
Ernest Cline’s reportedly awesome Ready Player One released today, and geeks of a particular variety will be happy to learn that Wil Wheaton–Evil Wil Wheaton himself–is reading the audiobook version. If you haven’t heard about Ready Player One yet, here’s a brief description and the book trailer: At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible […]