Featured Short: The Tale Of Mr. Rêvus [Video]

Marius Herzog–a Nuremburg-based filmmaker–directed, wrote and animated this great short, “The Tale Of Mr. Rêvus,” for his senior project at the Georg-Simon-Ohm Hochschule – University Of Applied Sciences. The challenge of this movie was to reproduce the entire production process of an animated 3D shortfilm by myself including story development, concept design, modelling, rigging, directing, […]

Darth Vapour: Dark Lord of the Steam

The Greatest Steampunk Exhibition, the largest exhibition of Steampunk art, craft and engineering, is running through August 29, 2011 at the Kew Bridge Steam Museum in West London. The exhibition contains over one hundred Steampunk exhibits from all over the world, ranging from paintings and artworks through costumes and fabrics to machines and engines, together with sound installations […]

Record industry won’t let $1.92 million filesharing case go

The word “distribution” scores 15 points in Scrabble. But in the court system it could score almost $2 million. That’s certainly the hope of the Recording Industry Association of America, which wants yet another round in its ongoing battle with Jammie Thomas-Rasset, and one that may have a genuine effect on the legal situation rather […]

Explaining The Amazon Kindle to Charles Dickens

When Rachel Walsh, a second year illustration student at Cardiff School of Art & Design, was given the school assignment of explaining “something modern/internet based to someone who lived and died before 1900,” she geekily rose to the task. This what she made: a clever books-within-book papercraft to explain the Amazon Kindle to Charles Dickens! […]

Calvin and Hobbes + Game of Thrones [Comic]

“Winter is Coming” by Joel Watson of HijiNKS ENSUE. Watson says he’s been thinking about how to put it together for some time: I’ve been tossing this Calvin and Hobbes meets Game of Thrones idea around for a while.Originally it was going to be Calvin/Jon Snow and Hobbes/Sam standing atop the wall mirroring the dialog from the final Calvin And […]