Fine Art + Gaming = Awesome
Fine art meets gaming, and we’re cool with it. Check out these cross-geekery mash-ups, courtesy of Buzzfeed. [buzzfeed]
Fine art meets gaming, and we’re cool with it. Check out these cross-geekery mash-ups, courtesy of Buzzfeed. [buzzfeed]
We post a lot of geeky tattoos, it’s true, but sometimes we see new things we haven’t run before. That’s where Sexy Geek Heather-kay comes in. She was perusing our collection of pop culture body art and realized that there are no Doctor Who tattoos here. It’s ok, though, she’s got this handled: Fear not, I […]
The Battlestar Berserk is no lightweight; it’s 73 inches, 24 inches wide, 14 inches high and weighs in at 54 pounds. The Lego kit for this thing would come in a box the size of my bedroom. Granted, part of the weight is from the steel supports built in to keep the model from collapsing […]
Let’s end the week on a calming note. This time-lapse of the night sky is simply gorgeous, and guaranteed to fill you with at least a little wonder and awe for the universe. I recommend clicking the fullscreen button and turning up the volume. Something tells me Sagan would’ve watched it that way. You can […]
Two days after the death of Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, he is continuing to make the headlines as the tech world adjusts to life without his influence. Here are just a few of the happenings. Staff at software and design firm Mint Digital created the above tribute using only parts from a MacBook Pro. Investors […]
They knew about the power of Grayskull before it was cool. All images by Fabian Ciraolo. [retronaut]
Exactly how geeky are you? Here’s a quick test: Sexy Geek Jason Willmore (hi, Jason!) sent us a picture of his tattoo, which works as a sort of geekiness metric for people he meets. I had a whole year in Iraq to come up with my ideal geek tat. The great thing is not only does […]
You may have heard recently that DC Comics inked a deal with Amazon to bring 100 of its most popular graphic novel titles exclusively to Kindle Fire (it’s unclear at this point whether they will be available to other Kindle apps as well; at least one source suggest otherwise). These include books like Sandman, Watchmen, […]
So you’ve always wanted to live like Frodo (minus that nasty ring business, probably), but you just weren’t sure how to make that happen. Turns out, it’s totally doable–move to Wales and get yourself one of these awesome low-impact greenhomes or get a little dirty and build one yourself. If you’d like to actually build […]
If you were a kid in the 80s, be sure to check this awesome video featuring some of the most memorable toys from the decade, and if you were not, well, enjoy the video anyways! :) [Via Neatorama]