Gaming study coverage shows media struggles with reality

It’s hardly a surprise to learn that a survey about video games has been grossly misrepresented by mainstream media sources. But it’s still sad. Three researchers from Nottingham Trent University in the UK and Stockholm University in Sweden recently published a study based on interviews with 42 Swedish gamers aged between 15 and 21. It […]

Neuroscience as Art [Gallery]

Grad student-turned-visual artist Greg Dunn studies neuroscience at the University of Pennsylvania. In his spare time, he creates these almost-landscape prints of neurons–extreme close-ups of the hippocampus, retinas and plant-like pyramidals. You can find (and purchase) more of Greg Dunn’s work on his website, including these along with some actual landscapes with real trees and flowers, […]

TED Talk: Our Natural Sleep Cycle [Video]

As a person with a sleep cycle that is best described as erratic (but more accurately, nonexistent), I’m fascinated by body clock studies. In this short TED Talk, Jessa Gamble talks about the influence of circadian rhythms on culture, and vice versa. In today’s world, balancing school, work, kids and more, most of us can only […]