A Magazine Is an iPad that Doesn’t Work [Video]

It’s like giving a kid an abacus and telling her it’s really a calculator. Technology codes our minds, changes our OS. Apple products have done this extensively. The video shows how magazines are now useless and impossible to understand, for digital natives. It shows real life clip of a 1-year old, growing among touch screens […]

Featured Short: Voltron: The End [Video]

Alex Albrecht, who will soon find himself with a bit more free time when Diggnation ends Dec 30, directed this four-minute fanfilm, Voltron: The End. It’s pretty impressive for a short, so here’s hoping the folks working on the official Voltron film follow suit and don’t muck the whole thing up. When a man regains […]

Hardware Store Turns Into Zombie Preparedness Center

One mid-west hardware store is taking the initiative  in getting you prepared for the coming zombie apocalypse. They have all your basics on hand for zombie-proofing your home and outfitting yourself for those late night zombie hunts: generators, nail guns, and sledgehammers. But they’ve also cornered in on another market, delaying your decaying zombie body. […]

Geeks According to Sony: How We Get Girls

Sony Europe has launched a webseries apparently intended to celebrate geek culture along with Sony gadgets.  Because, you know, geeks like gadgets.  They also can’t talk to girls, and probably wear pocket protectors. So if this is what we know about geeks, and we also know about girls, I wonder what geeky girls are like. […]

Sasquatch Discovered in New Warmer Locale [Pic]

Seems climate change has forced Bigfoot away from his traditionally chilly home; the elusive (but totally real) beast of legend has had to resort to extremes, apparently, as he was recently spotted strolling along the surface of the Sun. See? Alan Friedman snapped this shot of an oddly familiar-looking solar prominence. [A] prominence [is] an eruption of ionized gas […]