How Future Generations Will Remember Us [Comic]
That’s kind of really sad and pathetic when you think about it… [Source: ShoeBoxBlog | Via CB]
That’s kind of really sad and pathetic when you think about it… [Source: ShoeBoxBlog | Via CB]
A group of British politicians have criticized Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. But one of their counterparts has dissented in a particularly unusual manner. The nine members of Parliament have signed an early day motion. In theory this is a proposal for the House of Commons to debate and vote upon the motion at […]
Random House released a statement this afternoon confirming that fantasy author Anne McCaffrey has passed away at age 85. Reports say that she suffered a stroke in her home in Ireland. McCaffrey is best known for her Dragonriders of Pern series. She began her career in 1967 with the novel Restoree, and was rumored to […]
Here’s a direct translation of a to-do list that was discovered inside a small notebook that Leonardo Da Vinci’s apparently carried everywhere back in 1490. [NPR]
TLC, the television station known for reality shows of “personal stories,” is taking on a new topic next month: geek dating. Geek Love follows something that is becoming a staple at conventions: speed dating. In this case, the cameras were at New York Comic Con, where the setup for speed dating is pretty conventional aside […]
The Greatest International Scavenger Hunt the World Has Ever Seen (or GISHWHES) is the brainchild of Misha Collins, best known as the actor playing Castiel on the television show Supernatural. Or maybe you saw him on that SyFy original movie about Stonehenge. Or perhaps his tweets, which are definitely some of the more entertaining for […]
The second season of Game Of Thrones will premiere in Spring 2012. [via HBO]
Ever wonder what it would look like if Dali animated “Alice in Wonderland”? Well, he did, sort of. He painted some of it, anyway. [Via io9]
Not sure if it’s too early to put out geeky Christmas things but this 8-bit version of the classic tune by English electronic artist Superpowerless, who just released his new album called Monsters, is catchy nonetheless. What do you think GAS readers, is it to early for Christmas, or do you say bring on the […]
Artist Robert Burden spent over 1000 hours of working time to complete this massive 72″ x 132″ oil on canvas painting of the thundercats, and the only word that comes to my mind after watching this is: wow, amazing! [Via Topless Robot]