Symphony of Science #12: Onward to the Edge! [Video]

A musical celebration of the importance and inspirational qualities of space exploration (human and robotic), as well as a look at some of the amazing worlds in our solar system. Featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson, Brian Cox, and Carolyn Porco. “Onward to the Edge” is the 12th installment in the Symphony of Science series. [Symphony of […]

New Mario game doesn’t suit animal rights campaigners

The world of gaming is no stranger to complaints about excessive violence, and there are certainly critics of sexism and misogyny, but it turns out that even Mario isn’t immune to criticism. No, it’s not a string of complaints about Italian stereotyping, but rather a protest from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). […]

Superman Weds Harley Quinn, DC World Shocked

by Ana Aesthetic Contributing Writer, [GAS] Geek weddings are becoming super chic. It’s not uncommon to see Darth Vader giving away a glowing Leia to her perspective Han (or Luke in some cases!) and weddings at comic and anime conventions are a growing trend among people who met, and share their fondest memories at those […]