Gallery 1988’s “Multiplayer X2”

Video game art? Video game art. Last Friday Gallery 1988 Melrose in Los Angeles opened “Multiplayer X2”, their second exhibition of video game inspired art posters. The show runs through March 3rd, 2012 and includes works from over 30 artists including Olly Moss, Matt Owen, Fernando Reza, Todd Slater, Ian Glaubinger, and many more. [Source […]

The Internet: Saving Lives of Languages Everywhere

Photo: Taken by Chris Rainer for National Geographic The Internet is a veritable superhero for ancient languages across the globe, saving them from extinction. Some languages that haven’t ever been written or recorded in any way are now being stored in a sort of language zoo in order to preserve languages that may otherwise be […]

There’s something I ought to tell you, I’m not left handed either!

The duel between The Dread Pirate Roberts and Inigo Montoya in the Princess Bride is certainly one of the most iconic crossing of swords for its combination of footwork, swordplay and witty banter. “‘You seem a decent fellow… I hate to kill you.’ ‘You seem a decent fellow… I hate to die.’ “. For you […]