Dr. Grordbort’s Dangerous Game: Brilliant Steampunk Short Film

http://vimeo.com/mediadesignskool/thedeadliestgame “Eat me? Ha, he wouldn’t dare. I’m British!” Artist Greg broadmore has brought us an insight with this short film into the world of Dr. Grordbort, a seller of rayguns in an incredibly violent but beautiful science fiction/steampunk world.

One Document to Rule Them All: The Cyrus Cylinder Still Relevant 2600 Years Later

A baked clay cylinder from two and half millennia ago could very well be one of the most influential objects of the last few millennia. Written in Babylonian cuneiform script, the “Cyrus Cylinder” originally recounts how Cyrus, the king of the Persians, invaded, destroyed, and liberated Babylon. This the region we now call the Middle […]

Geek vs. Hipster: The Infographic [Pic]

Share Last month we posted an infographic pitching geeks against nerds and giving the basics on what made each group different. It went viral in a BIG way. Since a lot of you thought that the “geek” featured on the infographic looked a little more like a hipster, we thought you’d appreciate this one comparing […]

Everything is a Remix Part IV: System Failure [Video]

Our system of law doesn’t acknowledge the derivative nature of creativity. Instead, ideas are regarded as property, as unique and original lots with distinct boundaries. But ideas aren’t so tidy. They’re layered, they’re interwoven, they’re tangled. And when the system conflicts with the reality… the system starts to fail. –Everything is a Remix Part I: […]