EGGS-TER-MIN-ATE! [Source: PugnoM (CC)]
EGGS-TER-MIN-ATE! [Source: PugnoM (CC)]
Check out these pretty awesome superhero-themed Easter eggs by journalist and ex-cartoonist Charles Apple. Also, if you like those, be sure to head over to this link and have a look at our awesome Battlestar Galact-egg-a easter eggs! [Via]
If you’re down-under, a music geek and a gamer, the Symphony of Legends might be an event that you wouldn’t want to miss. The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra is going to be performing music from some big-name games such as Skyrim, Bioshock 2, Final Fantasy VII (OMG), Civilisation IV and more. It’s showing at the Melbourne […]
Collecting is a very difficult market to predict, and one man’s motorcycle sounds in the spokes of his BMX is another man’s ultimate treasure. But came across an obscure collectable on eBay, and I was surprised to see the numbers attached to these very rare cards – Garbage Pail Kids cards! For those not […]
The internet has intensified connections between people across the planet. In this episode we take a look at the impact of this new interconnectivity on the art world. Traditional funding models are dissolving, new forms of expressing ownership have arisen to accomodate for remix culture, and artists are finding ways to connect physical art experiences […]
Don’t forget to ask your doctor about Just Go Outside! No prescription needed! [ThePitNYC]
Jenny Lawson (The Bloggess) is a hilarious geek who has written a book called “Let’s Pretend This Never Happened: A Mostly True Memoir“. That title alone appeals to me, but the kind of poverty-stricken upbringing this girl faced falls into that category of “you can’t make this stuff up” with a taxidermist father who used […]
They made fools out of thousands of people, here are 10 infamous hoaxes. [Via Neatorama]
Comic geeks who enjoy having their soul crushed have a special place in their bleak, dark hearts for Daniel Clowes. Author of the awesome “Ghost World” and the recent (totally depressing) “Wilson“, Clowes manages to explore in a few pages what it means to be alone in the world and whether or not it’s worth […]
The history of April Fools Day… or at least what is thought to be the best answer for people who want to know the history of it! [Via]