Welcome to the Afterlife [Video]
One day, a digital life after your death might become a possibility… but only at a certain price. [Via BoingBoing]
One day, a digital life after your death might become a possibility… but only at a certain price. [Via BoingBoing]
Warning: Video contains strong language. I was going to write about a giant centipede whose bite causes neurological disorders, but then I saw this video on my Facebook feed. I don’t even have words to describe this. This clip is from a 2009 flick called “Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl” and features a quadruplet group […]
Source: SPACE.com: All about our solar system, outer space and exploration
It seems that the powers that be over at AMC have decided that Kevin Smith’s podcast turned tv show, Comic Book Men is being renewed for another season. The thing I like most about this show is how it really revolves around Kevin Smith’s comic shop – Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash – and […]
The circumstances of our lives may matter less than how we see them, says Rory Sutherland. At TEDxAthens, he makes a compelling case for how reframing is the key to happiness. [TED]
ID This Item is a brand new (like literally – it launched two weeks ago) crowdsourcing space where you can post the image of an item you’ve found on a blog or something and ask the community to tell you where to find it – or where to find similar stuff. I actually met the […]
Another CAT-AT… but this one of a slightly different type! [Via Pussies on Parade]
They say that the one good thing that comes out of war and strife is technological advancement. Facial recognition technology that was originally created to identify terrorist suspects is now going to be employed in the pursuit of knowledge: to identify people featured in paintings of the past. Who is the Girl with the Pearl […]
Since you are not sick of hearing about Avengers related news, I thought I would throw another interesting tidbit out there. The film has already made $775m worldwide after less than 3 weeks (two in North America) of its theatrical run, but it’s also making money for someone else. Shawarma joints. The Avengers is responsible […]
Not far from where I live is the center of the Universe (or Canada’s Universe) Toronto Ontario. Now why am I celebrating this Canuck Metropolis today? They paid me! Actually they didn’t, but I wish they would start because I am always telling people how cool this city is for its geeky secrets. Well now […]