What Makes People Happy

The “Happiness index” recently released indicates what features in British people’s lives are apparently increasing their life satisfaction. According to the survey of 165,000 people, teenagers and senior citizens are the most happy – apparently after your 20s, your life satisfaction decreases till you get to about 50 and the things start looking up. Am […]

Open Access for Academic Research Sparks Debate

The British government has announced that all publicly-funded research in the UK will be made available in full to anyone without charge. It’s been welcomed by many but has also raised fears that research could become financially unviable. The move was announced by the government member responsible for universities and science, David Willets (pictured), who […]

Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall Falls… Twice Every Hour

Forget about augmented reality, lets see some serious real-world illusionary genius, like this incredible display by Montreal-based Moment Factory, showing Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall crumbling to the ground, only to be replaced by a colorful, fantastical version of the building. Costing millions to produce, the show involves 12 projectors, 12 servers to run them, hundreds […]