Who Ya Gonna Call? Psy’s Gangnam Style!

So you may already be quite fed up with the Gangnam style parodies, but this one it actually quite impressive. And not just because the mash-up of the Ghostbusters theme and Gangnam Style actually works really well, but also because the video editing is actually rather amusing. Who knew so many parallels could be drawn […]

Gungan Style…or is it?

So…this starts off as a way-too-late Star Wars parody of Gangnam Style and then…well, becomes something that is just a little horrifying from the perspective of a professional blogger. Though, perhaps, rather amusing to everyone else. In a dark way. *considers doing something more inline with the goals I had when I was seven* Ooh […]

RANT: When Geekery Goes Mainstream, Do We Lose?

By Natania Barron Contributing Writer, [GAS] There are hobbits at Denny’s. I’m supposed to be excited about this. I’m supposed to be frothing at the mouth, declaring victory for second breakfast and showing up in my own home-made hobbit feet, singing The Road Goes Ever On and On and snapping pictures on my iPhone every […]

Britain’s First Klingon Wedding

What? Wedding certificates signed in blood aren’t valid? What kind of absurdity is that? The couple, 23-year-old Jossie Sockertopp and 29-year-old Sonnie Gustavsson, came from their native Sweden to marry at the “Destination Star Trek London” event, which will see 17,000 “trekkies” flock to London’s ExCel centre this weekend. The pair, who met four years […]

Can Playing Dungeons & Dragons Make You A Confident & Successful Person? [Video]

There are some deeply ingrained stereotypes about Dungeons & Dragons, and those stereotypes usually begin and end with people shouting “NERD!!!” But the reality of the D&D universe is a whole lot more complex. Rather than being an escape from reality, D&D is actually a way to enhance some important real life skills! It’s a […]

Featured Short: The Origin of Creatures [Video]

This futuristic, post-apocalyptic retelling of the Tower of Babel has a bit of a twist. And that twist is a little… unsettling. The film’s creator, Floris Kaayk, describes it thusly: Among the remains of a devastated city lives that what is left of humanity. Human bodies are divided into separated parts of the body and […]