Why Are QWERTY Keyboards Made The Way They Are? [Picture]
[Via Imgur | MUO]
[Via Imgur | MUO]
https://vimeo.com/65576562 Undeniably one of the best life advice speech I’ve heard. As far as I’m concerned, this goes right along with professor Randy Pausch’s Last Lecture about the importance of achieving your childhood dreams. In 2005, author David Foster Wallace was asked to give the commencement address to the 2005 graduating class of Kenyon College. […]
You’ve seen the top 10 cartoons on the 1990s, and now, let’s jump back to the 80s! So, what do you guys think of the cartoon choices that were used in this list? Do you agree with them? Disagree? What other cartoons would you put in there? Let us know in the comments section below! […]
What category (or categories) of geek do you fall into? And surely there are a few missing right? What do you think? Which ones resonate with you? Which ones are missing? I particularly love the Cosplay Geek. [By Scott Johnson | Buy the print from The Frogpants Store for $12.95]
Ah the 80s, that’s when most people didn’t have the Internet and we actually had to go play outside instead of spending our days in front of a screen. When I think back, I miss the 80s, and at the same time, I don’t. So what do you guys think? If you could, would you […]
Halloween with its candy treats is gone, the gift giving frenzy of Christmas has passed, and we’ve awoken from our Peep and Cadbury egg induced chocolate comas to the springtime desert of the holiday season… or have we? Fellow geeks, it’s time to celebrate our roots, with free comic book day! If you haven’t heard […]
From the guys over at Gritty Reboots: WHY DID WE MAKE THIS? To be blunt: Science, technology, and education are important to us. But we live in a world where the little news we hear of schools, research, and the arts is when they’re laying their heads on the chopping block. We live in a […]
You guys all know that I’m a big fan of Poutine, right? I mean, I’ve had Poutineville’s Monster 15-pound poutine a few weeks ago, and I even wrote about how to make this French Canadian delicacy at home back in 2007, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to go and buy a bottle as soon […]
At Calgary Comic Expo on April 27th 2013, a mother asked Wil Wheaton to give a very special message to her daughter about why it’s awesome to be a nerd, and fortunately for us, she filmed the whole thing to share with the world. [Jennifer Black]
Here’s how much coffee, meat, beer, McDonald’s, and more you can buy for $5 in countries around the world. For starters, you can buy a lot of beer for $5 in China. Canada isn’t mentioned a whole lot in this video, but things are insanely expensive over here when compared to the United states. For […]