Humanity is Doomed, DOOMED I Tell You: Fourth-Grade Science Quiz from a Creationist School [Pic]

Here is a picture of a fourth-grade “science quiz” that comes from a school that teaches young earth creationism principles, and believe it or not, it’s apparently NOT a hoax. Someone wrote to reporting that this quiz belonged to his 10-year-old daughter. I didn’t know that this was being taught to her until we […]

Adam Warrock Rocks the Throne with Game of Thrones Week

Warning: Video contains strong language. (“Hodor” featuring Tribe One) With Game of Thrones back on the air (pre-order Season #3 here), the days between Sundays are painfully slow. Luckily lyricist Adam Warrock is on point to bring us some GoT inspired jams to get us through the week! His fourth track dropped this morning, following […]

KICKSTARTER: Code Monkey Save World!

Do you like comics? Do you like singer-songwriter Jonathan Coulton? Then this “Code Monkey Save World” Kickstarter is for you! ‘Comics writer Greg Pak (“Planet Hulk,” “Batman/Superman,” “Magneto Testament”), internet superstar musician Jonathan Coulton, and artist Takeshi Miyazawa (“Runaways”) have joined forces to create a graphic novel that stars the much-loved monsters and super-villains from classic Coulton […]

New Iron Man 3 Spot, More Patriot [Video] Marvel released a new spot for Iron Man 3 during last night’s MTV Movie Awards. We get to see Tony Stark in all his snark glory! Who’s already purchased their tickets for opening night? Some theaters in the US are doing a 9PM showing on May 2nd, which is great for those of us […]

Question + Video: Is Buying Call of Duty, or any game that features realistic guns, a Moral Choice?

Did you know that when your purchase a game that features real weapons, you often, without even knowing about it, end up funding the weapon industry? I wasn’t even aware of this, but it seems that weapon manufacturers are getting some royalties on each game featuring their weapons that gets sold to consumers. So what […]