Twitter to Add “Report” Button for Abusive Tweets (#shoutingback)

Twitter says it is planning to make it easier for users to report abusive and illegal posts. It follows a barrage of threats of rape made against a feminist campaigner. Caroline Criado-Perez began receiving the messages after successfully leading a campaign to have writer Jane Austen featured on a new edition of a British banknote. […]

Alan Turing May Receive Pardon After All

Computing pioneer Alan Turing looks likely to receive a posthumous pardon, despite a previous official rejection of the idea. But the process behind the possible pardon has again raised controversy. We’ve previously covered Turing’s life here at GaS: in short, he not only helped crack the German Enigma encryption (arguably shortening the second world war […]

San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2013 in Pictures: The Final Day [Gallery]

Unfortunately, San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) 2013 is now over. We’ve already posted galleries for preview night, day 1, and day 3, so now, all that’s missing are pictures from day 4. A big, big thank you to Hayley Sargent for covering the event for us. If you’re looking for a photographer in the San Diego […]