The History of Emoticons [Video]
You might think emoticons a relatively new “Internet” phenomenon, but evidence suggests they date back to the 19th century. [Mashable]
You might think emoticons a relatively new “Internet” phenomenon, but evidence suggests they date back to the 19th century. [Mashable]
A simple advice that makes a lot of sense. Do you agree with this video? Do you think humanity is in need of an “auto-correct” feature? Or is this video putting too much emphasis on something that you think is perfectly fine as it is? Let us know in the comments below! [Prince Ea]
If you have a tattoo, you’re part of a rich cultural history that dates back at least 8,000 years. Where did this practice of body modification come from, and how has its function changed over time? Addison Anderson tracks the history of getting inked. [Ted Ed]
We talk about the Bechdel Test quite a bit here on GAS, and creator Alison Bechdel, a cartoonist and graphic artist, is being recognized in a big way. Bechdel, 54, has been awarded one of 21 fellowships from the MacArthur Foundation, including $625,000 spread out over five years. She’s only the second graphic novelist to be have […]
An interesting look at why people cosplay. Why do YOU cosplay? For love? Fame? Fortune? Just to have fun and find new friends? Let us know in the comments below! [Buzzfeed]
Watch as Arthur C. Clarke accurately predicts the future of computers and of the Internet in a video that dates back to 1974. The man truly was a visionary. [ABC News (Australia) | Via Blastr]
A fun cover of the Game of Thrones theme in a style we’re not used to hear! Enjoy! [E.L.T.C]
An open letter condemning harrassment in the gaming community has attracted the support of 2,000 gamers and members of the industry. The letter follows a string of abusive comments and even death threats made against Anita Sarkeesian, who runs the video blog Feminist Frequency. She started a crowdfunded series of lengthy and detailed YouTube videos […]
From Vocativ: To many Westerners, Dubai is a conservative city in a conservative Arab state, which makes it an odd place for a convention of risque Lycra-obsessed cosplayers and over-the-top entertainment. Even more bizarre: In a culture where ladies are told to cover up, Comic Con is attracting women in their droves. And they’re not […]
“I’m so tired of these fake geek guys. They’re just trying to impress us real nerd girls.” [BuzzFeedYellow]