Games of Thrones Video Game Trailer Released [Video]

Here’s the first trailer for the initial instalment of Game of Thrones: A Telltale Games Series. It sounds like a similar concept to the Walking Dead series, based around a combination of point-and-click and conversation trees. It’ll be a six-part series, with choices you make in one instalment affecting the events of future instalments when you […]

25 Things You Might Not Know about Harry Potter

25 things you might not know about Harry Potter by our pals over at Mental Floss. Speaking of Mental Floss, did you know that the popular website is also a magazine? In fact, it’s one of the most interesting “geeky” magazines out there! Mental Floss magazine is an intelligent read, but not too intelligent. We’re […]

This is Fascinating: How Were the Pyramids Built? [Video]

Did you know that the great Egyptian pyramids were likely build by paid workers and not by slaves? Some may have performed this work as a form of tax payment for several months of the year. Skilled engineers would have planned and orchestrated the building. An estimated 10,000-20,000 people would have been working on a […]