How They Created the Massive War Scenes in ‘The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies’

Even if you are one of the people who hate the Hobbit movies and look at them as a cash-in, you have to be impressed by the films, visually.ย From the battle scenes to the rendering of the the ‘bad guys’, the special effects by WETA in these movies are nothing short of spectacular and something […]

Strong Female Characters in Videogames: Debunking a Myth [Video]

From Youtuber Asalieri2: It’s time to brush aside the oft regurgitated myth that strong female leads in videogames are and have always been nonexistent or relegated to background or joke status. So what do you geeks think? Is this guy right or do you think strong female characters should be more present in games in […]

10 Nonfiction Books That Will Incite Conversations in 2015

What is amazing about nonfiction books is their ability to spark debate and spark conversation among people. They are not fables with heavy mythology, and are often the catalyst of great discussions that may not have otherwise happened had the book not breached the subject first. Flavorwire’s Elisabeth Donnelly has combed over some very powerful […]

Pirate Party Politician Leads Official European Copyright Review

A Pirate Party politician is writing an official review of copyright law for the European Parliament. However, reports that Julia Reda will be writing new rules aren’t quite the case. Reda was elected to the European Parliament last May under Germany’s proportional representation voting system. New rules that removed a minimum threshold meant that although […]