10 Essential Animated Movies That Are Absolutely Not for Kids

The wonderful thing about the medium of animation is, even though it caters to kids visually, animated movies can be aimed at adults and children. Not all animated films feature cute, fuzzy animals getting into hilarious hi-jinx. Some feature them being ripped apart and raging war against one another, like Watership Down. Something I touched […]

For the Adventurous: Mix Your Coke with Milk Because Science

So there is a ‘thing’ going around the interwebz right now about mixing coke with milk and what happens as a result. I, myself, am not sure it is something I would ever want to do, but apparently it is the “Coke and Mentos” of 2015. It is a reaction of the Phosphoric Acid contained […]

10 Awesome Tabletop, Card, and Board Games for Geeks

When people think geeks and gaming, they often associate the name with video games. But what a great many onlookers don’t realize is that many board games also have factored into our utter geek fandom. In other words, when not controlling pixels or polygons, these games are the next place you were likely to find […]

Common MythConceptions: 52 of the World’s Most Contagious Falsehoods [Infographic]

Here’s an enlightening infographic listing 52 of the world’s most contagious falsehoods, all organized by colored topic (orange for food, pink for body, green for nature, etc…) Kudos to David McCandless from Information is Beautiful for the awesome work he did on this! Be sure to click on the infographic below to get an enlarged […]

Is It Irrational to Believe in Aliens? [Video]

PBS’ Space Time has posed some interesting questions and theories about the galaxy and its potential areas and inhabitants. In this run, they bring up aliens and speculate on whether or not it is irrational to believe in them. It’s quite strange we can be aware we are in a galaxy that is essentially unfathomably […]