6 Tubular 80’s Movies for Geeks

The 80’s were kind of hilarious. From the bright, flashy colors of the clothing to the oddly soothing tones of the new wave music, it is not an easy decade to forget. What a lot of people fail to remember about the 80’s is that they laid down a great foundation of geekery in many […]

Jennifer Townley’s Magnificent Kinetic Sculptures Impress All

Jennifer Townley’s kinetic sculptures blow the mind. It is like you are looking at a living, breathing piece of work, though it is purely one artist’s vision realized. Her ideas come from her love of science, as you can see represented in her work. It’s the crossroads where art and science meet and create something […]

9 Historical Mysteries Solved by Astronomy

Throughout history there have been strange moments that have happened that have been ensconced in mystery since they were first spoken of in hushed stories passed down from generation to generation. Did the first marathon runner really drop dead? Could Mary Shelley’s griping origin story for Frankenstein actually be true? While we may scoff at […]

The Samsung Galaxy S6 Has the Best Smartphone Display So Far

The battle for the smartphone market seems pretty cut throat. On one side, you have the iPhoners, and on the other side you seem to have the Androiders. But there have been a bevvy of competitors that have taken the smartphone game to new levels. One of those competitors is Samsung, whose popularity has spiked […]

10 Awesome Good Guy Robots from Movies

With Chappie coming out this month and looking to add another awesome ‘good guy’ robot to the cinematic universe, we figured what better time than now to come up with a list of some of our favorite good guy robots from the world of cinema. Keep in mind, there are dozens upon dozens of good […]